We are excited to announce a partnership between the Virtual Operations Support Group (VOSG) and the Emergency 2.0 Wiki for resource and knowledge sharing. Our first two joint projects are the Actionable Graphics Project and supporting the development of VOST Australia.
#actionablegraphics #SMEM project

Sample animated graphic for public safety message: Do not drive through a flooded road
The Project aims to provide a series of iconic social media public safety graphic messages (a graphic go-kit), available for download from the Emergency 2.0 Wiki website, where selected and approved graphics and messages will be shown side by side in customized English, French and Spanish versions.
The intent is to provide an immediate, trusted (approved and verified) public safety messaging resource, specifically for use by emergency management organizations and the Virtual Operation Support Teams (VOSTs) which support them in amplifying important official messages in an emergency or disaster situation.
Animated GIFs and infographics appeal to the general public who we hope will share widely with their own social media networks, increasing reach and exposure.
The graphics will be for major emergencies such as flood, snowstorm, hurricane, wildfire, earthquake, mass shootings and terrorism.
We will be crowdsourcing feedback and input for this project, so watch this space for developments…
The Emergency 2.0 Wiki is assisting with the development of VOST Australia, a Virtual Operations Support Team to provide surge support for emergency services in times of disaster.
In March 2016 a VOST Australia Meet Up was hosted by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) in Brisbane. Eileen Culleton from the Emergency 2.0 Wiki and Joanna Lane from the Virtual Operations Support Group (VOSG) enjoyed a tour of the State Disaster Coordination Centre by Kathy Wright (QFES).

Kathy Wright, Eileen Culleton, Joanna Lane at State Disaster Coordination Centre (QLD)
VOST Australia will be activated by emergency response agencies as an official resource to perform specific functions such as:
- Supplement existing personnel and fill gaps in intelligence
- Hone in on specific data that is requested and actionable
- Amplify official information to wider networks
- Correct misinformation in major incidents
- Ensure key public safety messaging is reaching the whole community or intended audience across all media
- Build relationships with key community groups, using them as a resource
- Monitor and report isolated problems
International support
VOST Australia will be able to upscale and access surge support from the 37 other active VOST Teams around the world. VOST Australia will also act as surge support for overseas VOST teams responding to disasters.
Sharing lessons learned
Key lessons learned from VOST Australia activations will be shared on the Emergency 2.0 Wiki to help accelerate learning across the world.
Feeder for learning and cross collaboration
It is our hope this partnership will foster greater collaboration, learning and knowledge sharing between the Emergency 2.0 Wiki community and VOST teams around the world.
More information on VOST Australia can be found at http://vostaus.blogspot.com.au/ also follow on Twitter @VOSTAus.
For enquiries, including membership, contact VOST Australia Team Lead Daniel Eshuis via vostaus [at] gmail.com.
Also see VOSG International at http://vosg.us/ and follow on Twitter @VOST1.
More information on the Emergency 2.0 Wiki can be found on the Wiki and blog. Also follow on Twitter @Emergency20wiki.
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